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Reverse Engineered ChatGPT API by OpenAI. Extensible for chatbots etc.
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Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9K2BvbXEHT
python -m pip install --upgrade revChatGPT
Suport Python Version
- Minimum - Python3.9
- Recommend - Python3.11+
V1 Standard ChatGPT
This uses a reversed chat.openai.com
's API with a cloudflare bypass server to make programmatic ChatGPT usage free. This specific library is meant for personal use due to severe rate limits on OpenAI's side. It has not been optimized for use with mutliple accounts.
You can check out this project for well supported multi account cycling. It is compatible with the official API. Use OpenAI's documentation as reference on usage. It carries conversations between accounts to ensure rate limits are not hit given a high number of accounts.
V3 Official Chat API
Recently released by OpenAI.
Get API key from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
Command line
python3 -m revChatGPT.V3 --api_key <api_key>
$ python3 -m revChatGPT.V3 --help
ChatGPT - Official ChatGPT API
Repo: github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT
Type '!help' to show a full list of commands
Press Esc followed by Enter or Alt+Enter to send a message.
usage: V3.py [-h] --api_key API_KEY [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--no_stream] [--base_prompt BASE_PROMPT]
[--proxy PROXY] [--top_p TOP_P] [--reply_count REPLY_COUNT] [--enable_internet]
[--config CONFIG] [--submit_key SUBMIT_KEY] [--model {gpt-3.5-turbo,gpt-4,gpt-4-32k}]
[--truncate_limit TRUNCATE_LIMIT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api_key API_KEY OpenAI API key
--temperature TEMPERATURE
Temperature for response
--no_stream Disable streaming
--base_prompt BASE_PROMPT
Base prompt for chatbot
--proxy PROXY Proxy address
--top_p TOP_P Top p for response
--reply_count REPLY_COUNT
Number of replies for each prompt
--enable_internet Allow ChatGPT to search the internet
--config CONFIG Path to V3 config json file
--submit_key SUBMIT_KEY
Custom submit key for chatbot. For more information on keys, see README
--model {gpt-3.5-turbo,gpt-4,gpt-4-32k}
--truncate_limit TRUNCATE_LIMIT
Awesome ChatGPT
If you have a cool project you want added to the list, open an issue.
This is not an official OpenAI product. This is a personal project and is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way. Don't sue me.