Dev Lake是一款开源的 DevOps 开发工具,可将 DevOps 数据以实用、个性化、可扩展的视图呈现,完成数据的收集、分析和可视化。基于Golang语言开发,遵守Apache2.0开源协议。
jira: 需求,bug 等的信息收集
gitlab:code 收集
github:code 收集
jenkins:CICD 的数据收集
DevLake 提供了 20+常见研发效能指标,即开即用,节省了治理数据和定义指标的成本,可应用于交付效率、质量、成本、能力等不同领域。同时支持自定义 SQL 查询,用户自行拖拽搭建数据面板。
Developer Setup
- Docker v19.03.10+
- Golang v1.19+
- GNU Make- Mac (Preinstalled) - Windows: [Download]( - Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev`
How to setup dev environment
The following guide will walk through how to run DevLake's frontend (config-ui) and backend in dev mode.
Navigate to where you would like to install this project and clone the repository:
git clone
cd incubator-devlake
Install dependencies for plugins:
RefDiff (
Install Go packages:
cd backend
go get
cd ..
Copy the sample config file to new local file:
cp .env.example .env
Update the following variables in the file .env:
DB_URL: Replace mysql:3306 with
Start the MySQL and Grafana containers:
Make sure the Docker daemon is running before this step.
docker-compose up -d mysql grafana
Run devlake and config-ui in dev mode in two separate terminals:
# run devlake
make dev
# run config-ui
make configure-dev
For common errors, please see Troubleshooting.
Config UI is running at
- For how to use Config UI, please refer to our tutorial
Running Tests:
# install mockery
go install
# generate mocking stubs
make mock
# run tests
make test
DB migrations
Please refer to the Migration Doc.
Using DevLake API
All DevLake APIs (core service + plugin API) are documented with swagger. To see API doc live with swagger:
- Install [swag](
- Run `make swag` to generate the swagger documentation.
- Visit `http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html` while `devlake` is running.
Developing dashboards
To access Grafana, click View Dashboards button in the top left corner of Config UI, or visit localhost:3002
(username: admin
, password: admin
For provisioning, customizing, and creating dashboards, please refer to our Grafana Doc.
Q: Running `make dev` yields error: ` cannot open share object file: No such file or directory`
A: `` is required by the gitextractor plugin and should be . Make sure your program can find ``. `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` can be assigned like this if your `` is located at `/usr/local/lib`:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
Note that the version has to be pinned to 1.3.0. If you don't have it, you may need to build it manually with CMake from [source](
- Compile all plugins: `make build-plugin`
- Compile specific plugins: `PLUGIN=<PLUGIN_NAME> make build-plugin`
- Compile server: `make build`
- Compile worker: `make build-worker`
To dig deeper into developing and utilizing our built-in functions and have a better developer experience, feel free to dive into our godoc reference.