
InvenTree 是一款开源的轻量级库存管理系统,提供基本的库存控制和零件跟踪功能。系统的核心为 Python/Django 数据库后端,前台提供基于 Web管理界面以及用于与外部界面和应用程序交互的 REST API。InvenTree 遵守MIT开源协议.


Inventory Management System


🌟 About the Project

InvenTree is an open-source Inventory Management System which provides powerful low-level stock control and part tracking. The core of the InvenTree system is a Python/Django database backend which provides an admin interface (web-based) and a REST API for interaction with external interfaces and applications.

InvenTree is designed to be lightweight and easy to use for SME or hobbyist applications, where many existing stock management solutions are bloated and cumbersome to use. Updating stock is a single-action process and does not require a complex system of work orders or stock transactions.

Powerful business logic works in the background to ensure that stock tracking history is maintained, and users have ready access to stock level information.

🎯 Features

  • Organize Parts and BOMs
  • Manage Suppliers
  • Instant Stock Knowledge
  • Extend and Customize to fit your usage.

🧭 Roadmap

  • Plugins
  • Improved Importers
  • Custom Workflow Processes

🛠️ Integration

InvenTree is designed to be extensible, and provides multiple options for integration with external applications or addition of custom plugins:

👾 Tech Stack


🧰 Getting Started

Refer to the getting started guide for installation and setup instructions.

📱 Mobile App

InvenTree is supported by a companion mobile app which allows users access to stock control information and functionality.

🚋 Deploy

There are several options to deploy InvenTree.


Single line install - read the docs for supported distros and details about the function:

wget -qO install.sh https://get.inventree.org && bash install.sh


We would like to acknowledge a few special projects:

Find a full list of used third-party libraries in our documentation.

This project is supported by:




The package installer places the app files in /opt/inventree, the configs in /etc/inventree and data (static, media and database) in /opt/inventree/data (see Moving Data for details).

Supported OSs are Debian 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Quick Script

wget -qO install.sh https://get.inventree.org && bash install.sh

This script does all manual steps without any input. The installation might take up to 5-10 minutes to finish.

Performed steps

The install script: - checks if the current OS is supported - installs packages needed for getting the packages keys - executes the manual steps listed below

Script Options

The install script supports pulling packages from different branches and publishers. Defaults are to use branch stable and publisher inventree.

To install from branch master and publisher matmair the install command would be.

install master matmair


Furthermore there are several command flags for advanced usage: --help to show all options --version to print the version of the install script --dry-run to print but not execute the commands that would change system files

Manual Install

The steps below are for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, the current instructions for Ubuntu and Debian can be found here.

Add the key needed for validating the packages.

wget -qO- https://dl.packager.io/srv/inventree/InvenTree/key | sudo apt-key add -


Add the package list to the package manager source list.

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/inventree.list https://dl.packager.io/srv/inventree/InvenTree/stable/installer/ubuntu/20.04.repo


Update the local package index.

sudo apt-get update


Install the InvenTree package itself. This step might take multiple minutes.

sudo apt-get install inventree



Debug Outputs

Extra debug messages are printed if the environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is set. This exposes passwords.

External Calls

By default, a public AWS service is used to resolve the public IP address of the server. To prevent this the environment variable SETUP_NO_CALLS must be set to true.

Admin User

By default, an admin user is automatically generated with username admin, mail admin@example.com and a dynamic password that is saved to /etc/inventree/admin_password. These values can be customised with the environment variables INVENTREE_ADMIN_USER, INVENTREE_ADMIN_EMAIL and INVENTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD. To stop the automatic generation of an admin user, generate an empty file needs to be placed at /etc/inventree/admin_password.


By default, InvenTree is served internally on port 6000 and then proxied via Nginx. The config is placed in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/inventree.conf and overwritten on each update. The location can be set with the environment variable SETUP_NGINX_FILE. This only serves an HTTP version of InvenTree, to use HTTPS (recommended for production) or customise any further an additional config file should be used.

Extra python packages

Extra python packages can be installed by setting the enviroment variable SETUP_EXTRA_PIP.

Database Options

The used database backend can be configured with enviroment variables (before the first setup) or in the config file after the installation. Check the configuration section for more information.

