音频合成器AudioKit Synth One

AudioKit Synth One是IOS平台上开源的全功能专业音频合成器。开发者 Matthew Fecher主导,众多志愿者参与,遵守MIT开源协议,Ipad/Iphone程序除了模拟合成引擎,还提供了经典的 DX 合成 FM 引擎,包括MIDI支持(使用MIDI键盘或控制器演奏)、音序器、复古风格的模拟滤波器,富有表现力的琶音器,温和的模拟延迟以及超过200多种由著名音色设计师制作的预置!甚至加入针对盲人和视觉受损残障人士的voice-over功能,使得盲人和视觉受损残障人士也可以享受到合成器的乐趣。


    集成AudioBus 3和跨应用音频(IAA)
    专用正弦/方波 – 12/24子振荡器
    Sean Costello混响

[repo owner=”AudioKit” name=”AudioKitSynthOne”]


AudioKit Synth One: Open-Source iOS Synthesizer App.


AudioKit Synth One 

We've open-sourced the code for this synthesizer so that everyone is able to make changes to the code, introduce new features, fix bugs, improve efficiency, and keep the synthesizer up-to-date with all new capabilities of the base operating system. Synth One is now Universal for iPhone/iPad!


“AudioKit Synth One is a wonderful example of how iPad can change the way music is made.”
– Apple, App Store Editorial Team

If you're new to AudioKit, you can learn more: here. This code and app is made possible by all the contributors to AudioKit. Many of the features of Synth One are available as modules in AudioKit, allowing you easy access to oscillators, filters, reverbs, effects, and other DSP processing: code here.

Features & App Store Location

Master and Develop Branches

The two primary branches of this repository are intended to be used as follows:

  • Master branch will work with the current release version of AudioKit - ie. AudioKit's "master" branch. Changes should not be made on this branch so that it can be kept as stable as possible.
  • Develop branch is intended to be built with code from Develop branch of AudioKit. Pull requests should be made to this branch.


You must install the pods that we depend on before you can compile the project. To do so, run the following at the root of the project:

  • pod repo update
  • pod install

You may uncomment the line in Podfile to switch to our cutting-edge staging (unstable) releases of AudioKit, as opposed to the stable releases in the mainstream CocoaPods specs.

The repository builds and runs without modification, but the Link functionality will be missing.

Because of the way Ableton distributes their Link SDK, we can not simply include the Link files here. Instead, we include our Link wrapping files and expect you to do two things to get Link working on your machine:

  • Change ABLETON_ENABLED from 0 to 1 in the Build Settings
  • Sign up for the Ableton Link SDK and download the prebuilt binary LinkKit.zip. Uncompress it and find the include and lib directories and place the folders under our "Link" directory. There should be three files in include and one in lib.


  • Mac or computer running Xcode (Free Download)
  • Knowledge of programming, specifically Swift, AudioKit, C/C++, & the iOS SDK

If you are new to iOS development, we recommend the Ray Wenderlich videos. There is also a great tutorial on basic synthesis with AudioKit here.

Beginner? We have two additional code examples. There is a simple Swift Synth and a Sample Player. A fun exercise might be replacing the sample player code engine with synthesis.

We now include optional support for the Ableton Link SDK. Because files from this private SDK are required to compile this code, it is turned off by default.

You may enable this code by copying the SDK to your copy of Synth One and setting the ABLETON_ENABLED user setting to 1 in the project settings in Xcode.


We intend to have every major section of the code placed within its own folder, with an included README.md file, like this one. This file should explain the contents of the folder and give developers any hints about what could be improved.

This folder's contents

  • AudioKitSynthOne/ - This folder contains most of the source code
  • AudioKitSynthOne.xcodeproj - This file is a part of the workspace, which you should open instead
  • AudioKitSynthOne.xcworkspace - This is the file you should open with Xcode, it contains reference to both the project files for the synth code and associated Pods
  • OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension/ - code for a third party extension we use
  • Podfile and Podfile.lock - Cocoapods configuration files
  • .swiftlint.yml - Swiftlint configuration


Opportunities for Contributing

Here's a few ideas for you to contribute to this historic project:

  • Ability to search presets
  • Midi Learn Matrix. Create a view that will allow users to easily change the MIDI Learn assignments.
  • Make TouchPads assignable
  • Add an EQ Panel (8-band/16-band/etc)
  • Add the ability for Sequencer to modulate more parameters
  • Filter key tracking options & settings
  • Filter velocity settings
  • MIDI out
  • Sample & Hold

✓ DONE: Create an iPhone/Universal version. Thanks to Matthew Fecher for his contributions in creating the universal/iPhone version.

✓ DONE: Add accessibility functionality to AudioKit Synth One. Thanks to Stanley Rosenbaum for making Synth One accessible to all musicians.

If you have audio development experience and want to be involved with contributing to the app store version of Synth One, please email hello@audiokitpro.com

There are a few major updates we intend for this synth:

  • AUV3 Plugin support
  • MPE

