开源二维码生成器: Amazing-QR

Amazing-QR是一款基于 Python编写的二维码生成器。遵守GPL3.0开源协议。可生成普通二维码、带图片的艺术二维码(黑白与彩色)、动态二维码(黑白与彩色)。



#1 Words
amzqr https://github.com

    在命令后输入链接或者句子作为参数,然后在程序的当前目录中产生相应的二维码图片文件,默认命名为” qrcode.png“。

#2 -v, -l
amzqr https://github.com -v 10 -l Q



    自定义:如果想要控制边长和纠错水平就使用 -v 和 -l 参数。

    -v 控制边长,范围是1至40,数字越大边长越大;

    -l 控制纠错水平,范围是L、M、Q、H,从左到右依次升高。

#3 -n, -d
amzqr https://github.com -n github_qr.jpg  -d .../paths/

    默认输出文件名是“ qrcode.png “,而默认存储位置是当前目录。


    -n 控制文件名,格式可以是 .jpg, .png ,.bmp ,.gif ;

    -d 控制位置。



#1 -p
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg

    参数-p 用来将QR二维码图像与一张同目录下的图片相结合,产生一张黑白图片。

#2 -c
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg -c

    加上参数 -c 可以使产生的图片由黑白变为彩色的。

#3 -con, -bri
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg [-c] -con 1.5 -bri 1.6

    参数-con 用以调节图片的对比度,1.0 表示原始图片,更小的值表示更低对比度,更大反之。默认为1.0。

    参数 -bri 用来调节图片的亮度,其余用法和取值与 -con 相同。



动态二维码与上述的带图片的二维码的生成方法相同,只要采用 .gif 格式的图片即可生成黑白或者彩色的动态二维码。但注意如果使用了 -n 参数自定义输出的文件名,切记其格式也必须是 .gif 格式。



amazing QRCode generator in Python (supporting animated gif).

former name PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Python Version PyPI PyPI - Wheel PyPI - Downloads PyPI - License GitHub code size in bytes macos linux windows




Python QR Code Generator

Generate common qr-code, artistic qr-code (black & white or colorized), animated qr-code (black & white or colorized).



# via pip
pip install amzqr


Terminal Way

(TIPS: If you haven't install amzqr, you should python(3) amzqr.py instead of amzqr blow.)

# summary
amzqr Words
      [-v {1,2,3,...,40}]
      [-l {L,M,Q,H}]
      [-n output-filename]
      [-d output-directory]
      [-p picture_file]
      [-con contrast]
      [-bri brightness]

Common QR-Code

#1 Words
amzqr https://github.com
  • Just input a URL or a sentence, then get your QR-Code named 'qrcode.png' in the current directory.
#2 -v, -l
amzqr https://github.com -v 10 -l Q
  • The default size of QR-Code depends both on the numbers of words you input and the level, while the default level (Error Correction Level) is H (the highest).

  • Customize: If you want to control the size and the error-correction-level, use the -v and -l arguments.

    -v representing the length is from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 40.

    -l representing the error correction level is one of L, M, Q and H, where L is the lowest level and H is the highest.

#3 -n, -d
amzqr https://github.com   -n github_qr.jpg   -d .../paths/
  • The default output-filename is 'qrcode.png', while the default output-directory is current directory.

  • Customize: You can name the output-file and decide the output-directory. Notice that if the name is as same as a existing file, the old one will be deleted.

    -n representing the output-filename could be in the format one of .jpg.png.bmp.gif .

    -d means directory.

Artistic QR-Code

#1 -p
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg
  • The -p is to combine the QR-Code with the following picture which is in the same directory as the program. The resulting picture is black and white by default.
#2 -c
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg -c
  • The -c is to make the resulting picture colorized.
#3 -con, -bri
amzqr https://github.com -p github.jpg [-c] -con 1.5 -bri 1.6
  • The -con flag changes the contrast of the picture - a low number corresponds to low contrast and a high number to high contrast. Default: 1.0.

  • The -bri flag changes the brightness and the parameter values work the same as those for -con. Default: 1.0.

Animated GIF QR-Code

The only difference from Artistic QR-Code mentioned above is that you should input an image file in the .gif format. The you can get your black-and-white or colorful qr-code. Remember that when you use -n to customize the output-filename, then the output-filename must end by .gif.


  • Use a nearly square picture instead of a rectangle one.

  • If the size of the picture is large, you should also choose a rightly large -v instead of using the default one.

  • If part of the picture is transparent, the qr code will look like:

    You can change the transparent layer to white, and then it will look like:

Supported Characters

  • Numbers: 0~9

  • Letters: a~z, A~Z

  • Common punctuations:

    · , . : ; + - * / \ ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ` ' = < > [ ] ( ) ? _ { } | and  (space)


  • Python 3

