
The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python.


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Choose your Version

The newest version of pyLoad running on Python 3.6+ and PyPy (experimental) is developed in the main branch on GitHub and published as pyload-ng on PyPI.

The old version of pyLoad working on Python 2 is still available in the stable branch on GitHub, pre-built packages are available for download on the releases page on GitHub.

This README covers only the latest version of pyLoad.

Quick Start

Open a terminal window and install pyLoad typing:

pip install --pre pyload-ng[all]

To start pyLoad use the command:


See the usage section for information on all available options.

If you want to uninstall pyLoad:

pip uninstall pyload-ng


usage: pyload [-h] [-d] [-r] [--storagedir STORAGEDIR] [--userdir USERDIR]
              [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--dry-run] [--daemon] [--version]

The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug                   enable debug mode
  -r, --reset                   reset default username/password
  --storagedir STORAGEDIR       use this location to save downloads
  --userdir USERDIR             use this location to store user data files
  --tempdir TEMPDIR             use this location to store temporary files
  --dry-run                     test start-up and exit
  --daemon                      run as daemon
  --version                     show program's version number and exit

To start pyLoad, type the command:


This will create the following directories (if they don't exist already):

  • ~/Downloads/pyLoad: where downloads will be saved.
  • ~/.pyload: where user data and configuration files are stored.
  • <TMPDIR>/pyLoad: where temporary files are stored. <TMPDIR> is platform-specific.


Note: On Windows, user data and configuration files are stored in the directory ~\AppData\Roaming\pyLoad.



To show an overview of the available options, type:

pyload --help


Web Interface

Open your web browser and visit the url http://localhost:8000 to have access to the pyLoad's web interface.

  • Default username: pyload.
  • Default password: pyload.

It's highly recommended to change the default access credentials on first start.


Advanced Installation


Stable Release

Get the latest stable release of pyLoad:

pip install pyload-ng


Note: No stable release yet, pyLoad is now in pre-release phase.


Available modules

  • pyload.core: pyLoad's heart.
  • pyload.plugins: the collection of officially supported plugins for pyLoad.
  • pyload.webui: a web interface to interact with pyLoad.


Development Release

You can force the installation of the latest development release of pyLoad, appending the option --pre to the installation command:

pip install --pre pyload-ng

Do not use development releases in production. Unexpected crashes may occur.


Extra Dependencies

Extra dependencies are non-essential packages that enable additional features of pyLoad.

To install them you have to append a specific tag name to the installation command.


Available tags

  • plugins: includes packages used by several plugins.
  • build: includes packages used to build translations.
  • all: includes both plugins and build packages.

You can use a tag in this way:

pip install pyload-ng[plugins]

Or group more together:

pip install pyload-ng[plugins][build]


Build Translations

Use the command build_locale to retrieve and build the latest locale files (translations):

python setup.py build_locale

Invoke build_locale before building the package (eg. bdist_wheel).



You don't need to build the translations if you installed pyLoad through pip, they're already included.








pip install pyload-ng


wget  https//github.com/pyload/pyload/archive/stable.zip 



