Angry IP Scanner是一款开源的网络IP/端口扫描开源工具。遵守GPL开源协议。基于Java编写,支持 操作系统包括Linux, Windows 以及 Mac OS X。Angry IP Scanner拥有友好的用户界面,可以获得被扫描计算机的 ping 响应时间、主机名称、计算机名称、工作组、登录用户名、MAC 地址、TTL、NetBios 信息等。也可以指定扫描端口,查看目标计算机开放端口的情况。支持多线程扫描,同时快速对几十个 IP 发起扫描。只需网址或主机名称,即可自动解析其 IP 地址并进行扫描。此外 还支持自动选取并扫描整个 B 类和 C 类 IP 段,对常用 IP 进行收藏管理,导出扫描结果为多种文件格式等。
[repo owner=”angryip” name=”ipscan”]
Angry IP Scanner - fast and friendly network scanner.
Angry IP Scanner
This is the source code of Angry IP Scanner, licensed with GPL v2. Official site
The code is written mostly in Java (currently, source level 11). SWT library from Eclipse project is used for GUI that provides native components for each supported platform.
The project runs on Linux, Windows and macOS.
Helping / Contributing
As there are millions of different networks, configurations and devices, please help with submitting a Pull Request if something doesn't work as you expect (especially macOS users). Any problem is easy to fix if you have an environment to reproduce it
For that, download Intellij IDEA community edition and open the cloned project. Then, you can run Angry IP Scanner in Debug mode and put a breakpoint into the desired Fetcher class.
Use Gradle for building a package for your desired platform:
or make
in the project dir for the list of available targets.
./gradlew current
would build the app for your current platform.
The resulting binaries will be put into the build/libs/
directory. Run jar files with java -jar <jar-file>
Deb and rpm packages can be built only on Linux (tested on Ubuntu). Windows installer can be built on Windows only.
./gradlew all
will build packages for all OS (tested on Ubuntu only, see dependencies below).
On Ubuntu install the following packages:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk rpm fakeroot
Install OpenJDK on other platforms as you usually do it.